d a r k s i d e

w e l c o m e t o t h e m a c h i n e


From toolshed.down.net:
Work is underway on Tool's next album, despite the fact that A Perfect Circle will be touring for the next little while. The writing process for this album will be similar to the process for "Lateralus": the band works on music, sends demos to Maynard, he works on vocals, and so on. The singer discusses this in the newest issue of Kerrang magazine, saying "we're working on a new Tool record now. I'm multi-tasking. I can't walk and chew gum but I can change hats." It was four and a half years between "Ænima" and "Lateralus", it has so far been (only) almost three since the spirally record was released. So really, they are almost ahead of schedule.
posted by Xaq Rothman at 22:49     


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