d a r k s i d e

w e l c o m e t o t h e m a c h i n e


Weekend: sick on Friday, no film with Lizzi, doctor, weird asthma thing, Eris practice minus Adam/Elisabeth, left bass at Leslie's, bowling, tied with Jossie for 1st, Emily's house = foosball + air hockey + Pearl Harbor, sleep late Saturday, missed Aikido, missed CTF, didn't get bass from Leslie's, skating with Nessa, wake early on sunday, frantically arrange things, Obelisk practice canceled, Obelisk practice back on, Obelisk practice bad, Alex's house = Tilly + cleaver of separation + the Darkness, go home to clean, sleep.

Nessa gave me The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand to read, and even a 6th in, it's already blowing my mind. Expect a large revelation upon literary completion. Also, if anyone has a copy of 1984 they could lend me, I would be much obliged.

Days until freedom (exams, end of semester): 4
posted by Xaq Rothman at 08:18     


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