d a r k s i d e

w e l c o m e t o t h e m a c h i n e


The darkside has a new home: darkside.thecolorblack.org. Incidentally, this is the same guy that owned duffworld.org. Heh. None of my blogger pages are updating to there yet so stick here until the opportune moment. You'll know when.

It was wet today, so during CTF i got totally soaked in the tennis courts. My shoes squished when I walked. I just wanted to make sure that you all knew this.
posted by Xaq Rothman at 20:41     


09.2002   10.2002   11.2002   12.2002   01.2003   02.2003   03.2003   04.2003   05.2003   06.2003   07.2003   08.2003   09.2003   10.2003   11.2003   12.2003   01.2004   02.2004   03.2004   04.2004   05.2004   06.2004   08.2006  

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