d a r k s i d e

w e l c o m e t o t h e m a c h i n e


let it burn, won't you let it burn, won't you let it burn, wontcha wontcha let it burn, gonna let it burn, wanna let it burn, let it burn
Sub in Digital Art again. So far I've listened to the last half of Blood Sugar Sex Magik, and now I'm listening to Sublime. They are both very good, but next, is SoaD, which may be the third best band EVER. If you think Toxicity is good, listen to their first album. Insanity. Jeff thinks blogging is dumb, but I'm not sure why. I think it has somethign to do with his "image is evil" theory, but I don't know. I think image isn't evil, but it's only image, no substance. I think I don't even know Jeff's theory, so I'll shut up. As for me, I have nothing against blogging (OBVIOUSLY), but there are certain expectations you should have, and others you shouldn't. Not that I know what those expectations are or anything. Oh well. This is the last day of school for 4 days. PG County go out YESTERDAY is this fair? No, it isn't. Damn. Still, 4 days, I'd sell my soul to have 4 day weekends every week. Well, no, but it sure would be cool. Fazzle, fezzle, fizzle, fozzle, fuzzle...
posted by Xaq Rothman at 08:17     


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