d a r k s i d e

w e l c o m e t o t h e m a c h i n e


09/15/2003 • NEW TOUR DATES
10/31/2003 San Antonio, Freeman Coliseum, Stone City
11/1/2003 Houston TX, Reliant Arena
11/15/2003 Nashville TN, Municipal Aud
11/17/2003 Baltimore MD, Venue TBD
YESSS!!!!! Good things come to those who wait, godDAMMIT! MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Anyway. Posting from Digital Art, wooooooooo! Oh, yeah, speaking of A Perfect Circle, the new album THIRTEENTH STEP comes out today, and after school, I will make a pilgrimage to Borders to spend a portion of my $50 birthday card on it. If they have it. Either way, this keyboard is FUCKED UP and I cannot stand to try to use it anymore. Goodbye.

posted by Xaq Rothman at 08:34     


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