d a r k s i d e

w e l c o m e t o t h e m a c h i n e


we are to question the answers
Bruno's party was again controversial, at least to me. Much like last year, I had girl issues. But enough of that for now. In all other respects it rocked. WE listened to the entirity of Ænima, and we watched live RAtM. Oh, the people that were there:
  • Me
  • Bruno
  • Jeff
  • Nessa
  • Morgan
  • Alex
  • Carter
  • Louis
  • Will
First we hung around downstairs, and we ate dinner and played the name game which rocked and attacked eachother. Note: my hair is never fair ground for play wrestling. You pull my hair, you I am no longer playing, I am kicking your ass. IT FUCKING HURTS AND I CAN NOT STAND IT. Anyway, then a few people went outside while others watched Rage. I skipped back and forth between the two groups. Eventually everyone came outside, and we played around and had cake. Some people were playing with Bruno's porch candles, and one of them got so hot that the ceramic broke, and Bruno poured water on it to put it out. BIG MISTAKE. The theory is that pouring th water on it splashed the buring wax up in the air, which vaporized, which in turn caused a cylce to start that made a 3 foot tall flame shoot out of the bowl and keep going for about 5 minutes. Bruno's parents were not hapy, but DAMN was it ever cool. Yeah. We went back downstairs and hung out some more. The girls plus Will and Alex left, so it was just Bruno, Jeff, Carter, Louis and I. We stayed up and talked until about 3, and then slept. Nothing really remarkable happened, we woke up, ate breakfast, and slowly the guests left.

I don't know if you still read this Nessa, but I hope you see this, because it's important and I don't know if i will ever muster the guts to tell you in person. This party made me realize something: I don't and could never hate you, Nessa, in fact I really like you, but right I think that right now you are neither good for or to me, and that is why I'm always so weird around you. We have some real issues between us, and I need to either just not see evidence of your existance for a while, or we need to have a really long talk about us. I know you are going out with Pierre, and even if you weren't I wouldn't be trying to get back together with you, but there are some conflicts that really need to be dealt with. Hahah, you're never gonna see this, are you? Nope.
posted by Xaq Rothman at 23:16     


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