d a r k s i d e
w e l c o m e t o t h e m a c h i n e
If I were you, I would read that whole thing below, it made people look at me weird in class cuz I was laughing so hard. I hate Tech Ed. I hate school. Like I said, only two more weeks and then freedom, but oh, what a two weeks it will be. Someone should have a really big (non-fucking oriented) party to celebrate the end of freshman year. Or just the year. YAH!!! I think Bruno and I might be doing something like, the DAY after Carter's party, but I think there was some reason that we couldn't, but I don't remember what it was...darn. I think I will take this last half our I'm stuck in this class to FINALLY write about my last 10 days. Ok, so on Friday, May 30th, I did two things. I played in a softball game and, we won very gracefully, it was tied until the bottom of the last inning. I also went to WES to help decorate the hall for the ceremony that was the next day. So Saturday, May, 31st, I got up and went to Aikido, and I don't really remember anythign in particular about the class, but that's ok. My dad picked me up and we went to WES to practice my speech, where we discovered that not ONE of the baloons we had blown up the day before was still floating. We called the Falcons and Paul said he would take care of it. We went back home and I lounged around until about 4, when I took a shower and did all that othe hygiene stuff, got dressed and at 5:30, we left for WES to be at the ceremony. The ceremony went VERY well. I gave my speech pretty easily, and even got a few laughs ("I want to thank my parents at least for the simple act of copulation..."). Afterward, all my friends were ther, so we hung out. Louis suggested playing strip poker...still stuck at Morgan's party back in March. That party has had a lot of influence lately...more on that in a second. So, the next day, we went BACK to WES for the platform, and I gave another wonderful speech, and then...I went to Alex's house. Oh, god, then I went BACK TO WES (!!!) to babysit, but that was ok, because I made $30 for like, 3 hours of real work. Not really, even, $30 dollars to draw pictures for kids and play with a soccer ball. Anyway, I went back to Alex's and then, the Night of DOOM began, FINALLY. I had come late, so I hung out while Jeff, Alex, Louis, and Bruno finished up their game of Risk. Later we looked at really funny site online, and we talked to some people online. Jeff of course, had to leave (curse the parents!), and then i forget what happened, but anyway, we ended up in Alex's newly finished (and completely AWESOME) basement, and Bruno had brought his PS2, and Alex brought his speakers from hell downstairs, and goddammit, it was fun. We watched The Usual Suspects, we listened to about 8 full CDs, we talked about girls, sex, what to expect at Nessa's surprise party the coming Friday (like I said, more on that in a minutes), girls, and, of course, sex. And maybe the Matrix, but if we did, I forgot. The one thing we did NOT do...is sleep. Literally. That day (those days) I was awake for 38.5 hours straight. It was awsome. On Monday, we went to see Reloaded again (still awesome) and I finally caught the trailer at the end this time. Of course, we had to pay my dad to but a ticket and come in with us, then sneak out, cuz he had stuff to do, but that was ok. We took the metro back. It felt like a million years between leaving school on Friday and coming back on Tuesday, but come back, I did. Through some strange circumstances, I was somehow assigned Academic Support after school everyday until this Friday, so nothing good happened last week during the school week, until Friday, which we all know...was the party. Oh, man, and what a party. Went to Morgan's at 6. Morgan and Nessa (and Krista, which was very unexpected) came at 7:30. Since we weren't expecting Krista, we were surprised when she walked past the door, so one of us who shall remain nameless accidentally called out "SUP-" before he realized she wasn't Nessa, fortunately, Nessa walked by just a second after, so we still scared the shit out of her. Then the party began. The first half was pretty good. We hung out in Morgan's backyard (which was full of dog poop and people (I) kept accidentally stepping in it -- barefoot) and we had pizza and listened to music and Nessa pinced my ass twice WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!? MIXED MESSAGES SUCK!!!! Anyway, after we had pizza, we went inside, and of course, someone suggested that we play strip poker. That wasn't going fast enough for some people, so we skipped right ahead to Spin the Bottle. I kissed 3 people -- two were guys, but one...was Nessa. That was rather enjoyable, but I know I really shouldn't have done it, but it was so good, and now the bell is ringing and I'll continue this story at a later time.
posted by Xaq Rothman at
