d a r k s i d e

w e l c o m e t o t h e m a c h i n e


Don't forget, I'm moving to a new site with a whole new, cookass layout. If i were you, I'd just bookmark the new site now, because if you think my blog was cool before...just wait. Right now the new site is really just a glorified journal, but I will start adding things, more animation, specialized pages (links, archives, quizzes, hit list...), and other cool stuff. It's like, Operation Impending Doom 3 squared. No, cubed!
posted by Xaq Rothman at 22:07     


09.2002   10.2002   11.2002   12.2002   01.2003   02.2003   03.2003   04.2003   05.2003   06.2003   07.2003   08.2003   09.2003   10.2003   11.2003   12.2003   01.2004   02.2004   03.2004   04.2004   05.2004   06.2004   08.2006  

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