d a r k s i d e
w e l c o m e t o t h e m a c h i n e
Or maybe half! So, I did my chores, and left for the bus just as my sister and all her friends were getting here. So I ran to the bus stop. Then I stopped. Then I just ran all the way to the metro, stopping for a sec at each bus stop, where I met up with Alix and Alex. Jeff's EVIL parent's said that he couldn't come, so it was just us. So we took the metro to Wheaton. We ACTUALLY used on of those photo booth thingies. And I got orange chicken which I didn't finish and carried around with me all day. It was weird, cuz I was feeling kinda attracted to Alix, but at the same time, Alex and Alix we like, cuddling like they were a couple, which they aren't (I think). So, anyway, we hung out at Wheaton for about 4 hours, and then went back to Alex's. Alex had to do hw, so Alix and I went to visit Jeff, who wasn't home, and then we walked to the metro, cuz Alix had to get home, and I was gonna meet Bruno and Anuja/Otto to go to X2 at the Uptown. Anuja couldn't come, so we just went ahead anyway. Bruno and I parted ways with Alix at the Cleveland Park stop, and walked to the Uptown, bought our tickets, and went in. It was at this point that my chicken was lost, cuz I couldn't bring it to the theater. X2 was pretty good. Not like, Matrix-caliber, but definitely entertaining. Nightcrawler is my favorite, cuz he's cool. Too bad he's all religious. There CAN be faith without God. (By the way, Alex, Jean Grey if definitely NOT DEAD. I guess you just aren't nerdy enough to know this already.) After the movie, we were waiting in the parking lot of the Pizzeria UNO, when a fight broke out between a couple of guys. They left, but the police came, and questioned Bruno, and took his number in case anything criminal happened and he needs to testify or something. After that nothing really exciting happened until this morning after I got home, I found out that Cary dumped Emma, and now she's all depressed and bulimic, and it's making me angry and sad. It's ok to be kinda depressed after a breakup, but Emma has fragile self-esteem and being bulimic is definitely NOT ok. Anyway, I'm kinda trailing off here at the end, and i can't think of any good way to end this post, but I just thought of more things I wanna say, so I guess it's not over. ACK! I have to do all my english make up by Tuesday, or else I will be DOOMED to have a 9.6% FOREVER. OOH!!! AND NEXT WEEK RELOADED COMES OUT!!!! AND THE CHILI-COOK OFF!!!! I'm so excited. By the way, on Wednesday, I will have been online for exactly ONE YEAR!!! I should have a big party...or not. BYEBYE!
posted by Xaq Rothman at
