d a r k s i d e

w e l c o m e t o t h e m a c h i n e


Mmmrrrrrrrgggg....I want Nessa to call me now. NOW!!!! I really want to talk to her. I hope I can see her in person tomorrow. I had cookies today!! They were like, seizure-inducingly sweet. Bad. I gave mine to Louis. Cuz he was at my house. I CREAMED him in StarCraft. I love that game. I'm just ranting. Speaking of ranting, I want you to send me ideas for a new layout for my site, it'll be a contest, and as a prize I'll put up a "Shrine To (WINNER)" page. Yeah. And I'll use your layout. Mmmyep. Big money, baby!
posted by Xaq Rothman at 23:35     


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