d a r k s i d e

w e l c o m e t o t h e m a c h i n e


At this very moment, Emma is posting things about me and porn. I will take this opportunity to say that Emma is a sick person who has no better thing to do than bother me. Not only that, but she LIES!!!!! Anyway, here I am at school again. Ack, more retaliation!!! If, Emma didn't like torturing me, than WHY DOESN'T SHE STOP, GODDAMMIT!!!! No, I'm kidding, Emma is the benevolent patron sait of color-y scrool pars. mmmyep. I hate odd days. Spanish is the devil in a tedious disguise. Surely you agree. ACK! BELL!!!!
posted by Xaq Rothman at 11:35     


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